Gain 1M visits per page with Google Discover

Follow along for the step-by-step guide to the perfect Google Discover audit by Vivienne Goizet, Editorial Lead SEO at BILD and Jérôme Salomon, Technical SEO expert at Oncrawl.

Why audit Google Discover with Oncrawl?

  • Promoted Discover stories can compensate for flagging organic search


  • Identify Discover traffic that was mislabled in analytics platforms as “direct” ou “other”


  • Focus on the eligible parts of your website: news articles, videos, product details, job postings…


  • Confirm key performance metrics that move the needle for your site, such as recency, best practices, and SEO metrics.

Free e-book: Auditing Google Discover with Oncrawl

Google Discover is somewhat of a black box:

it can be difficult to understand how it works and what you should do to get your articles to appear in it. While Google provides certain guidelines, the only way to know what really works is to audit your site.

Skip the generic best practices and learn what and how to analyze and improve your performance through a hands-on, data-driven approach.

This e-book serves as a complementary resource to the BILD x Oncrawl webinar.

Download your free e-book